#Vivitar 70 210 f3.5 series
Unlike the first two versions, which featured a constant f/3.5 aperture throughout the zoom range, this version was the first in the series to feature a fast-to-slow aperture transition, with f/2.8 at the 70mm end and f/4 at 210mm. The third VS1 70-210 zoom was manufactured by Komine (SN 28nnnnnn), from about 1984 to 1986. This second version was available for Pentaxers in both M42 and K-mount trim (and Tokina did also release its own RMC Tokina version of this lens). At 1:4 maximum magnification, it did not focus quite as closely as the first version, but it did not require any special user actions to enter "macro" mode - this version represented a total redesign of the 70-210/3.5 specification, and Vivitar marketed it with the slogan, "Think of it as 141 of the finest lenses that you can buy". Like the first version, this was also an f/3.5 design, although it was a more compact lens overall. The second VS1 70-210 zoom was manufactured by Tokina (SN 37nnnnnn), from about 1981 to 1983. For Pentax users, this version was available at first only in M42 screwmount trim, but a K-mount fitting was added to the available mounts when Pentax came out with K-mount bodies and lenses in 1975. The first VS1 lens design that Vivitar released, it probably did more than any other VS1 product to make the Series 1 lenses a highly respected line of lenses for quite some time in the latter 20th Century. This revolutionary lens design (the first successful "macro zoom" lens ever designed) was an f/3.5 model that likely underwent the greatest number of engineering revisions during its lifetime.

The first VS1 70-210 zoom was manufactured by Kino (SN 22nnnnnn), from about 1973 to 1981. Interestingly, Vivitar was never actually a lens manufacturer per se - Vivitar contracted with various lens makers to produce lenses to its own specifications, which it then marketed under the Vivitar brand (although the contractors would sometimes end up releasing similar lens designs under their own and/or other brands), and this always-a-lens-specifier-and-never-a-lens-maker characteristic is certainly true for all the VS1 70-210 zooms.
#Vivitar 70 210 f3.5 serial
There are six versions of the manual focus Vivitar Series 1 (VS1) 70-210 zoom lenses, all of which can be distinguished apart from each other visually (and their manufacturers can be identified by using their serial numbers).