
Crack open a cold one joke
Crack open a cold one joke


So we just number them and use the number." Fred says, "I love to tell jokes! Give me one." "Okay," says the older inmate. "Well," the older inmate says, "Most of us have been here so long that we have heard all the jokes. Puzzled, Fred asks the inmate sitting next to him what's going on. Then another prisoner stands and yells, "123!" Again, there is laughter throughout the room. Suddenly, an inmate stands in the middle of the room and yells, "41!" As he sits down, the room erupts in laughter.


He finds a seat at a table full of inmates who look like they have been behind bars for years. After spending the morning being processed, new prisoner Fred is taken to the huge mess hall for lunch.and then proceeds to tell the EXACT SAME JOKE not one minute later, in an entirely inappropriate situation. Charlie tells a funny, fitting joke in Mystery Team.

crack open a cold one joke

He gives her a joke and gets her to tell it back to him. She tries to tell the protagonist Benjy that she's just not funny but he refuses to believe her. Lampshaded when someone in the audience snickers prematurely.


  • The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies: The comedian in the nightclub is horrendous, especially his timing on the "my mother irons and my father steals" joke, which was really old even when this movie was made.
  • In The Imitation Game, the hero is shown to be socially inept and can't manage to tell a joke on his own or recognise them in others.
  • He is berated for this by his older self in the second movie.
  • Biff Tannen in Back to the Future is constantly, err, biffing his attempts at wordplay with lines like "Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here," and "That's as funny as a screen door on a battleship." Presumably everyone is too afraid of him to correct him.
  • In Bill, Christopher Marlowe doesn't really get comedy and spends much of the movie attempting to tell a Your Mom joke after Shakespeare introduces him to the concept.
  • As a part of her No Social Skills, Saori from Wandering Son sucks at jokes.
  • She tells a condensed, G-rated version of The Aristocrats, apparently not knowing the point of the joke is to make it as drawn-out and vulgar as possible. Frog has Koyuki act like this in episode 18.
  • In Nichijou, the principal tells old jokes that no one gets, while Yuuko's are just terrible.
  • The best Midoriya can do is shape his face into a perfect pantomime of All Might's in hopes of getting a reaction. This actually becomes a plot point when he tries to get an internship with All Might's former sidekick, Sir Nighteye, who insists that all of his employees have a keen sense of humor.
  • In My Hero Academia, Midoriya is too nervous and jittery to ever be able to properly deliver a joke.
  • Aside from the significant problem that Komi is a Shrinking Violet who uses a notebook to communicate because she can't handle spoken conversations, she also favors "Dad Jokes" that nobody else finds funny to begin with.
  • Shouko Komi of Komi Can't Communicate tries her hand at jokes in one chapter.
  • Shar-tan in Etotama often tells jokes, but is so serious in nature that everyone takes her seriously then start getting frustrated as she keeps doing it.
  • Not that it stops him from trying at every chance.
  • Similarly, Piccolo is also unable to tell a joke and refuses to make one, but Kaio takes one of his lines as a hilariously bad joke and he ends up laughing anyway.
  • Kaio was scared by Tenshinhan's seriousness and determination, so he thought that laughing was the best solution.

    crack open a cold one joke

  • Tenshinhan in Dragon Ball Z encounters trouble with this trope when Kaio requires all potential students to tell him a joke.
  • It's a Running Gag that Byakuya's very funny when he's not trying to be but an absolute disaster when he is. Of course, Renji's then more panicked by the idea of Byakuya telling jokes. Renji is so shocked, Byakuya has to tell him he was joking. On another occasion, Renji asks Byakuya which hairdresser he uses and Byakuya tells him he gets his zanpakutou to cut his hair for him. He gets an "I told you so" from Renji afterwards.

    crack open a cold one joke

    He holds his kenseikan to his ear and pretends it's a telephone.

  • Bleach: In the many Slice of Life sketches Tite Kubo does about his characters, there's one of Byakuya doing a stand-up routine in front of a huge audience.
  • And after all that, the best he gets is "Pfah." When her nephew (the main character, Ciel) has to make the Undertaker laugh to get information from him, we see Sebastian wait outside as day becomes night and then day again. The audience never gets to hear the joke but the cast's reactions range from blank stares to confusion.

    Crack open a cold one joke